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ACCA OBU Submission
Useful Information
Once you pass ACCA FR (Financial Reporting), AA (Audit & Assurance) and FM (Financial Management), the Research and Analysis Project (RAP) is the last step you have to complete to be awarded the Oxford Brookes University BSc degree in Applied Accounting.
ACCA OBU information pack is the most important document you need to refer to for submission dates, project topics and other details.
You can find useful information and references below about the popular project topics.
Mentor Reference
Before writing your essay, you need to find an ACCA Oxford Brookes University registered mentor to guide you through RAP. The following experienced mentors are good to guide you through the project work.

Ms Cristina Mühl
Cristina is an internal control/compliance expertise through involvement in audit, forensic and advisory engagements with professional qualifications such as CIA, CFE and ACCA. She is also an experienced consultant in the field of process analysis and process improvement in several industries linked with an organized way of thinking and critical mind-set. Cristina is a registered mentor helping students in OBU BSc degree project submission. Quite a lot of her mentee recommend her not only her experiences in different industries but also her strong willingness to provide guidance and constructive feedback.
Contact Information
Phone: +49 160 98113593

Mr. Khor Seng Cheong
Mr. Khor Seng Cheong is a senior lecturer of ACCA and OBU mentor. He graduated from University of Strathclyde, Scotland with a degree in Accounting & Finance, a Master in Business Administration (MBA) from the University of Leicester in England. Mr.Khor is a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) and also an associate member of Malaysia Institute of Management (MIM) and also Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA). He has been teaching ACCA and guided OBU students to submit their research project for more than 13 years.
Contact Information
Phone: +60 17 499 9056
Popular Topics
Topic 8 and topic 15 are very popular by students as their choices of project topics in research report. Oxford Brookes University claims more than two third of papers submitted are from these topics.
Even they are popular, you should base on your strengths, weaknesses and interests to choose your project topics in your research report.
The industry sectors for organisation chosen in your submission vary in every 2 submission periods.
You are advised to check carefully on the requirement stated in information pack.
Submission Period 39-40
For submission period 39 and 40 (Click for Information Pack), the organisation in your project for topic 8 and topic 15 should be from following industry sectors –

Sector - Automobiles & Parts
Automobiles (4010020)
Auto Parts (40101025)
Tires (40101015)

Sector - Media
Broadcasting (40301010)
Entertainment (40301035)
Media Agencies (40301020)
Publishing (40301030)

Sector - Industrial Transportation
Trucking (50206010)
Railroads (50206020)
Railroad Equipment (50206025)
Marine Transportation (50206030)
Delivery Services (50206040)
Transportation Services (50206060)
It is highly recommended you check the organisation chosen are qualified in the SUBSECTOR described above before going ahead of your research report.
Classifications above follow Industrial Classification Benchmark (ICB) by FTSE Russell, you can refer to the link below for more information –
The following references are useful if you are considering project topic 8 or 15.
Be careful of referencing in your project and plagiarism is prohibited in any part of your project work.
Stock Exchange
London Stock Exchange
New York Stock Exchange
Toronto Stock Exchange
Hong Kong Stock Exchange
Financial News & Stocks Data
Yahoo Finance
Financial Times
Industry Information - Automobiles & Parts
Industry Information - Media
Industry Information - Industrial Transportation
How to Check ICB Code
You have to ensure the organisation chosen falls into the correct industry classification. If it is listed in stock exchange, you can check in the exchange website.
An illustration below shows you how to check, which is very simple and easy!

Step 1
The organisation chosen is ITV which is listed in London Stock Exchange, hence, got to the exchange website.
Find ITV under "Stocks"

Step 2
Scroll down the page and find the "Company Information"
Check FTSE ICB subsector and it shows "Radio and TV Broadcasters".
It is included in the OBU project list.
Probably it is your first time to work on an academic research project of 7,500 words.
If yes, learning how to work out a research project is suggested to increase your chance to pass.
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Click the photo to know more details.
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Exemplars on Research Report
Oxford Brookes University publishes exemplars on research report to help you understanding what kind of practice is good.
The exemplar selected to share with you focuses on Topic 8 and they can also be referenced for other project topics.
6 examples are chosen from the following project sub-titles –
Reasons for choosing topic and organisation
Project objectives
Approach to research
Sources of information
Limitations of information gathering
Ethical & confidentiality issues
1. Reasons for choosing topic and organisation
The author demonstrates why he chose the topic, but more important is he or she shows the benefits of working on the project.

2. Project objectives
The example below simply and clearly explains three objectives of the project.

3. Approach to research
A lot of approaches in your research are expected. But how to summarise them to help your readers to understand?
The selected materials below help you to know what is a good summary of approach to research.

4. Sources of information
There are two sources of information, primary and secondary. The example chosen from a project topic 8 adopts secondary sources in the research and all sources are listed out.

5. Limitations of information gathering
A short and brief list may be good enough to show all limitations.

6. Ethical & confidentiality issues
It highlights 3 major issues in working the project. You can find it prioritise the issues by putting the most important issue at the top and followed by others.